Week commencing 12th July
Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 3:58pm
Week commencing 12th July
This week we will be following on from our work surrounding 'Billy's Bucket' by spending the week looking at a range of non-fiction and fiction books along the theme 'Under the Sea'. We will be using books and other methods such as a safer internet search to help us to research different creatures that live under the sea. We will then create a factfile on our chosen animals, writing about all of the different things that we have learnt.
In maths we will continue our work on halving and sharing, using practical resources to share a group of objects.
In phonics we will be continuing our journery through phase 3. This week we will be focusing on the following sounds: ch, sh, th, ng.
Please remember that Monday is our PE afternoon and so all children should come to school in their PE kits.