Week beginning 4th October

Date: 4th Oct 2021 @ 9:33am


This week the children will be finding out more about The Lonely Beast by composing different questions to ask him. They will then be involved in some hot seating activities where they take on the role of the Beast. The children will be using all of the information they have gathered about the Beast to create a fact file. They will also be creating a character description of a friend for the beast and learning how to write a postcard.  

lonely beasts.jpg

There are also some brilliant daily Year 1 / 2 phonic video lessons available on Letters and Sounds for Home and School - YouTube



This week we are continuing to increase the children's understanding of place value. The children will be practising counting forwards and backwards starting from different numbers. We will also be working on 1 more and 1 less/fewer. They will also be thinking about how to represent numbers in a variety of ways eg, writing the digit, writing the word, Numicon, on their fingers, unifix cubes etc

There are also some brilliant Year 1 / 2 daily maths video lessons available on the home learning section of the White Rose Maths website. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning



This week in our RE lesson the children will be thinking about places that are special to them for example, home, school, Mosque, the park etc

As part of Black History Month the children will be learning about a different person each week and thinking about how they influenced and shaped the world we live in today. The first person they will be finding out more about will be Rosa Parks.

Rosa parks.jpg

In PE the children will be continuing with the first unit of our REAL PE scheme and developing their side stepping, galloping and skipping ability.


Ways to help at home...

Practise counting backwards with your child. 

Watch and discuss this short video clip about Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks - BBC Teach