Week Beginning 30th October 24

Date: 7th Oct 2024 @ 12:35pm

 Children have been settling into Reception very well and have been busy making friendships!  



This term, the overarching topic is ‘All About Me’. We have begun looking at Homes through reading the story, This is my Home by Michael Rosen. We considered the following: 

  • What makes a home comfortable, happy and safe? 
  • What things do we ‘need’ in our home? How does this differ to things we ‘want’? 
  • What makes our home special and unique? 

Children got creative! They arranged and stuck 2D shapes onto card to make a house. They even added details to make their house unique, such as door number, window fittings (blinds) and a garden.  



Last week, we taught the following phonemes: g, o, c, k 

Please review taught phonemes each week by encouraging your child to say the phoneme. You can find videos to support correct pronunciation of phonemes on our class page.  

Taught phonemes for each week will be displayed in your child’s Homework book. 



Maths is taught through the White Rose Maths scheme. We have been focusing on comparing by size, mass and capacity. Children enjoyed exploring the concept of ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ using balance scales. They weighed a range of objects to check which was heavier and which was lighter.  



PE is taught through the Get Set 4 PE scheme. So far, children have pretended to be Witches, Wizards, Pirates and Mythical Creatures! Children have been working on developing the following skills: 

How to create a safe space, moving safely and sensibly in a space and using the equipment safely and responsible.  

For Health & Safety reasons, please ensure your child does not wear studs/jewellery on a Friday.